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About SaVvy 

What is SaVvy?

Throughout financial history, stock bubbles have left important clues in the development of investment research. Financial history has proven modern portfolio theory does not offer enough protection to an investment portfolio when a crash occurs. Modern portfolio theory falls into the constant cycle of trying to protect an investment portfolio by investing in assets that become correlated when a financial collapse occurs. SaVvy is an investment perspective that analyzes historically relevant financial data that modern portfolio theorists tend to overlook. SaVvy utilizes data from the first bubble episode known as the Tulip Mania of 1636 throughout the U.S. mortgage meltdown of 2008. Since 1636, the consistent template of fear and greed has not changed. SaVvy is the firm’s translation of volatility. The goal of SaVvy is to translate the general concept of volatility and help investors recognize that volatility occurs more frequently in financial markets than one would assume. The firm does not make any solicitation nor recommend the purchase or sale of any investment security in any of the content found on

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